Resume Guided Tour


Demographic Reports

Demographic Census

Employee/dependent demographic census.

New Hires

Employees hired after a specified date.


Employees terminated as of a specified date.

Demographic Changes

Employee/dependent demographic changes.

Benefits/Payroll Reports


Employee/dependent enrollment elections.

Enrollment Changes

Employee/dependent enrollment changes.

Open Enrollment Elections

Employee/dependent open enrollment elections.

Scheduled Benefit/Rate Changes

Scheduled benefit/rate changes for Life, AD&D, STD and LTD plans.

Scheduled Drop Over-Age Dependent Coverage

Scheduled and coverage dates for over-age dependents.

Employee Enrollment Participation Rates

Employee participation rates by product.

COBRA Eligibility

Employee/dependents that are eligible for COBRA coverage.

Self-Bill Carrier Summary

Sell-bill summary report for carrier invoicing.

Self-Bill Carrier Detailed

Self-bill detailed report for carrier invoicing.

Billing Reconciliation

Self-bill detailed report for carrier invoicing.

Coming Soon!
Total Compensation Statements

Employee total compensation statements.

Employer Total Monthly Cost

Employer monthly cost by product.

Payroll Deductions

Employee benefit deductions for payroll.

Payroll Deduction Changes

Employee payroll deduction changes.

Carrier Forms


Downloadable carrier forms by effective date.

Enrollment Changes

Downloadable carrier forms for changes between specified dates.

Open Enrollment Elections

Downloadable carrier forms for open enrollment elections.

Evidence of Insurability Forms

Downloadable Evidence of Insurability Forms for voluntary products.

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